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Hockey Brandon

Managers Guide

Hockey Brandon thanks you for taking on this role.  There will be packages with this information and forms given to the Coach at the beginning of the season.
The following will help you in making sure you have a successful season:
  • HOCKEY MANITOBA ROSTER - will be emailed upon approval.  DO NOT ALTER ROSTER.
  • INSURANCE FORMS - all team personnel MUST be insured.  Hockey Brandon will pay up to FIVE (5) ROSTERED MEMBERS PER TEAM. We will invoice your team for any additional members at $60 each.  This includes Coach, Assistan Coach(es), Safety, Athletic Therapist/Trainer & Manager.  Please return these forms to the Hockey Brandon office ASAP to complete your roster.  All rostered personnel are required per Hockey Manitoba to have Respect in Sport for Activity leaders.
  • CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK (CRC) - All rostered personnel are rquired to provide a CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK by NOVEMBER 1ST, if you have not done so in the past 3 years.
  • CHILD ABUSE REGISTRY CHECK - all rostered personnel will be required to provide a current Child Abuse Registry.  This process will be administered through Hockey Brandon.  A link will be provided for you to complete on line and HB will submit the form.  The CARC is valid for 6 months.
  • SAFETY - All teams - U7-U18, MUST have a certified safety person on their roster.  All coaches and on-ice personnel must have the proper certification required.  NO EXCEPTIONS. This course is offered through the Hockey Manitoba Website:
  • JERSEYS - House League teams are supplied one set with $100 deposit.  Jersey's belong to Hockey Brandon.   Please ask players to take care of them and be careful when attaching and removing any Name/Sponsor bars (NO tape or glue should be used).  Jerseys MUST be washed and returned in good condition on the hangers that were given.  Any jersey not returned or not returned in good condition, will result in a $50+ charge per jersey.  The cost to replace a house league jersey is $55 for youth sizes and $60 for adult sizes.   Rep teams will be responsible for their own team jerseys and will all have the same Wheat King Logo.  These are ordered thru Brandon Sourcer for Sports by the Rep team manager.
  • GAME SHEETS - Hockey Brandon, Parkissimo and the RMFHL all now use the GameSheet app which is digital and used on Ipads issued to each team by Hockey Brandon.  There is a $150 deposit required at the time the Ipad is signed out.  Please have referees sign the Ipad Gamesheet after game is complete.   If attending Tournaments or playing an exhibition game, copies of all exhibition and tournament game sheets MUST be sumitted as well.  PLEASE make sure we can read all information so it can be entered without issue. Submit White Copy (original) to Hockey Brandon office within 72 hours of played game.  Failure to do so will result in a fine of $20 per game sheet.  You can drop them off, scan/email or take a proper photo of the game sheet and email it to us.    U7/U9 do NOT have game sheets.
  • PLAYER MEDICAL INFO SHEETS - have parents fill out and teams retain these for your own information.
  • TRAVEL PERMITS - are required for any travel outside of league play (this includes practices).  Hockey Brandon office must be notified IN WRITING prior to any team travelling.  THIS PERTAINS TO ALL HOCKEY BRANDON TEAMS - U7 - U18 - NO EXCEPTIONS.  You will need to get copies of your game sheets for all tournaments and exhibition games and send those to the Hockey Brandon office.  Teams are ONLY allowed to attend HOCKEY MANITOBA SANCTIONED TOURNAMENTS AND PLAY EXHIBITION GAMES AGAINST HOCKEY MANITOBA REGISTERED TEAMS.  Please ensure that any exhibition game you playis against a Hockey Manitoba registered team AND any tournament  you attend must be a HOCKEY MANITOBA sanctioned tournament.  Any team attending a non sanctioned event will face serious disciplinary action from Hockey Manitoba.
  • TRAVEL PERMITS OUT OF PROVINCE - Hockey Manitoba has created an on-line application.  Payment is done on-line as well.  Here is the link:  You are still required to submit the Hockey Brandon travel request to the Hockey Brandon office.  Upon return from game, your game sheets are required to be into Hockey Brandon office within 72 hours after travelling. Failure to comply will result in travel privileges being suspended & team being fined.
  • ON-ICE INSTRUCTION - In accordance with Hockey Manitoba's Insurance rules, if you plan to use any player for on-ice instruction, the player MUST be in full equipment.
  • GUEST INSTRUCTORS - If you are inviting any special intructors to help with your team ie: Wheat Kings/ACC you must fill out the Special Request Form required by Hockey Mb:
  • PROVINCIALS - Contact your Division Director or the office regarding teams attending provincials.  The following teams/divsion winners will attend provincials: U15AAA, U15 House, U13 A, U13 House, U11 A1, U11 House and all Female teams.  The destination is announced through Hockey Mb's website.
  • HOSTING TOURNAMENT - will require a sanction.  Contact the Hockey Brandon office for further information.
  • AP'S - please follow Hockey Brandon Bylaws
  • FUNDRAISING - Your team is required to have aproval before fundraising.  Reminder that if doing 50/50 you will require a license from the LGCA.  A letter can be otained by contacting the Hockey Brandon office.  
  • TEAM FEES- Most team's will have a team fee for each player. This fee covers tournament/exhibition entry fees, extra practice ice, team apparel and any incidental expenses teams have for the year.  This fee is over and above what a player pays for registration fees to Hockey Brandon.  Hockey Brandon assumes no responsibility to collect these fees.  We strongly suggest collection of these fees takes place before a player attends a tournamnet or takes part in any extra team paid practices, exhibition games , etc.  It is soley the team's responsibilty to ensure these fees are paid to the team manger/coach by each player and also whether or not to exclude a player from these extra team paid events.
Hockey Brandon's Bylaws and the following forms are available on our website under Coaches/Managers/Referees

Travel Request Forms   
Out of Province Travel Permits
Player Medical Forms
Insurance Forms
Hockey Brandon Injury Report
Fundraising Request Forms
Referee Request Forms
Hockey Canada Injury Report
Concussion Return to Play Form & Criteria
Extended Season Form

Year End 50-50 Winner is Iona Cullen


Female U18 Wheaties are Silver Medalists




Brandon TOC Week Two 50-50 Draw is now live! Jackpot is now $1490!
