Roster & Insurance Regulations

Hockey Canada Insurance & Hockey Manitoba/Hockey Brandon Roster Regulations
- All on-ice personnel must be on the roster
- All on-ice personnel must have the proper certification
- All bench personnel must be on the roster & have the necessary certification
- If a player from another team is helping on the ice (ie older sibling), they must be in full gear. The reason being that their insurance only covers them as a player and players, must be in full gear at all times
- If you have an injured player and want him/her to be on the bench, they must be in full equipment. If their injury prevents them wearing their full gear, they cannot be on the bench.
- Only personnel on your roster can be listed on your game sheets & and only these persons may sign an official game sheet
- If your manager is not listed on your roster, do not put them on the game sheet
- All rostered personnel must have Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders and provide a current criminal record check (no more than 3 years old)
All members (those listed on a roster) are covered for insurance through Hockey Canada.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Sharon Lilley
Office Manager/Registrar
Hockey Brandon
Ph: 204-726-3550