Did you know?
Reffing can be a fun way to be involved in the game when you're not playing or when you're done playing hockey. Take former player Wes McCauley, pictured above who was a Detroit Red Wings draft pick as a player in 1990 and has now refereed 7 consecutive Satnley Cup finals and 16 years in the NHL!
Reffing can earn you some extra money on the weekends and allow you to get on the ice more to work on skating and understanding the game of hockey better.
If you're interested in signing up to ref this season, we are looking for new young officials age 13 & up. You will be requried to complete:
- an online "Hockey University" course to learn the rules of hockey
- a 4 hour, in person, interactive classroom session with other officials at your level
- and a one hour ice time to work on some skating and positioning skills required to ref
You can find more information about certifying for the upcoiming season on Hockey Manitoba's website under the Officials section at: http://www.hockeymanitoba.ca/officials/
or by contacting the Regional Coordinator for Brandon,Micah Croker @ crokes_5@hotmail.ca